“Radio so’o” (aka “the grapevine” or rumor mill) can be your most important and entertaining source of news and gossip in Paraguay. In this series I share links and resources to get you up to speed on a variety of topics.

Sometimes it seems like there is very little information on the web regarding Paraguay. However Paraguayans are increasingly starting to go online, posting about their country and culture in professional websites, personal blogs and Facebook pages. A number of Paraguayan companies are also starting to have a presence online. In this new series I will share recommended resources (interesting sites, videos, events, etc) regarding a specific theme. Tune in to this virtual “radio so´o” and use these resources to discover Paraguay… online! The first edition of Radio So´o is centered around Semana Santa (Easter week). Experience Easter Paraguay-style by:

  • Checking out (or adding to) the “Our Chipas Don’t Know Borders” album on Tembi´u Paraguay´s Facebook page featuring Chipas made by Paraguayans overseas.
  • Watching this video from Ña Eustaquia. Making chipa has never looked so chic!
  • Visiting the Pueblo de Arte website about the town of Tañarandy. The town is known for its artistic vibe and unique Semana Santa celebrations. An impressive project (including documentary, book, and humorous sign generator) with an inspirational subject.